Sunday, June 18, 2017

Painting Classes Offered

Summer Class: Monday afternoons 1-3:30 begins July 10 for 4 wks thru July 31.An optional 5th class on Saturday, August 5th from 10-1.Cost $100 for 4 classes, $125 for 5. I will supply all materials for an additional $80 for 4 or $100 for 5 classes. Class size limit: 6

Oil Painting: Abstract to Impression with MM Kent

call or text 270-313-9660 for more info.


July Classes at Wings and Roots Studio:

Oil Painting from Abstract to Impression: Creating a compelling image with an economy of means.

2 ½ hour sessions once a week will take place in the artist’s home studio at 219 W. South St., Fayetteville.

MONDAY  1 - 3:30pm

Cost is $100/ for all 4 sessions -  payable before the first class in July.
           all supplies furnished for an additional $80.)

6 student maximum enrollment

This class is for artists at any level of accomplishment.
We will be following a specific curriculum with different exercises each week that address:

palette work and color mixing
abstract design
value progressions